GE IP Software




Real Time Operational Intelligence




Process Management and Analytics



Plant Applications

Batch Execution

Asset Health Centre


Proficy - Plant Applications

The Proficy Plant Applications family helps you run your plants better to run your business better.

Proficy Plant Applications is the most proven, comprehensive Operations Management software family available today. Applicable to the widest audience of manufacturers in industry, Proficy Plant Applications’ Open-&-Layered architecture, modular & scalable capabilities, and ability to span the spectrum of production typologies, make it the solution-of-choice for companies large and small looking to upgrade their production operations to upgrade their business.

The core value for you from Proficy Plant Applications is its ability to make business sense out of your real-time, mission-critical production data. Whether you are in the plant focused on operational functions – such as Process Engineering, Quality, Maintenance, Manufacturing IT, etc… – or you lead a line-of-business regionally or globally, you need the timely, accurate, actionable information to make informed business decisions in real time. That’s why you rely on Proficy Plant Applications.

For more information click here

Proficy plant applications